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"It's Brexit!": the possible impact on VAT and customs duties
Thursday, 14 July 2016
On 23 June 2016 voters in the UK decided to leave the European Union. This newsletter shortly describes the possible impact of the Brexit on VAT and customs duties.
The end of withholding tax on gross basis! : ECJ decision in Brisal Case
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
On July 13, 2016 the European Court of Justice rendered a milestone decision on withholding tax on interest payments within the EU (case C-18/15, Brisal – KBC Finance Ireland).
New EU Directive on VAT and vouchers
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
On 27 June 2016, the EU Council adopted a directive on transactions involving vouchers by harmonising national VAT rules in this area. The directive was adopted without discussion.
Redrafting VAT exemption for cost-sharing associations - action required
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
Belgian VAT law provides a specific exemption for cost-sharing associations, enabling groups of entities that have VAT exempt or out of scope activities to recharge costs without VAT. This VAT…
VAT on online gambling services postponed till August
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
In a previous article, we explained in detail the new VAT rules on e-gambling services. These services, which currently benefit from a specific VAT exemption for gambling services, will become…
Upcoming developments: a new Belgian real estate investment fund and the liberalisation of the existing SIR/GVV regime
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
The Belgian Federal government has recently announced new measures to make the Belgian real estate market more attractive to foreign investors. In particular, the creation of a new type of…
Should trustees worry about potential liabilities under Belgian Cayman Tax?
Monday, 27 June 2016
Trustees must consider the reporting obligations of Belgium resident settlors and beneficiaries under the so-called Cayman-tax. These obligations include providing adequate and timely information as well as documentation about the…
EU Regulation 883/2004 on social security applied to company directors working across borders in Europe
Monday, 27 June 2016
An interesting brochure is now available on the social security status in many European jurisdictions of company directors who are working across borders.