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Tiberghien opens new office in Ghent

Tuesday, 02 May 2017
09-05-2017 - Tiberghien, the specialist tax law firm with over 80 lawyers and the largest tax practice in Belgium, has opened a new office in Ghent. The new location is…

CbCR: Luxembourg implements Directive (EU) 2016/881, what are the lessons at this stage?

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
26-04-2017 - The process in Luxembourg has been particularly fast, with the entry into force of the new mechanism in domestic law less than 12 months after the adoption of…

New Belgian exit tax rules

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
26-04-2017 - Belgium introduces a deferred payment regime for companies required to pay exit taxes on outbound cross-border relocation of assets, migration or restructuring in line with article 5 of…

Belgian register of ultimate beneficiaries (“UBO-register”) is approaching

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
26-04-2017 - Under Articles 73 to 75 of the draft Bill on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing…

The CJEU’s Wereldhave judgment: Dutch investment funds with “Fiscal Investment Institution” status do not fall within the Parent-Subsidiary Directive’s scope

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
26-04-2017 Facts Two Dutch companies, Wereldhave International and Wereldhave, respectively own 35% and 44% of the Belgian company, Wereldhave Belgium. Both Dutch companies have the “Fiscal Investment Institution” (“fiscale beleggingsinstelling”)…

Taxation of pensions paid by Belgian debtors to non-residents: change of rules

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
26-04-2017 Pensions subject to Belgian non-resident income tax The Belgian Income Tax Code provides, as a basic rule, that occupational pensions paid to non-resident individuals are subject to tax in…

Belgium introduces exit tax rules as it implements ATAD

Thursday, 06 April 2017
06-04-2017 - Belgium introduces a deferred payment regime for companies required to pay exit taxes on the cross-border relocation of assets, migration or restructuring in line with the EU Anti-Tax…

Tiberghien’s continued growth

Tuesday, 04 April 2017
03-04-17 In recent years, tax law firm Tiberghien has seen tremendous growth. Now, in addition to this organic growth, the tax lawyers of the law firm Dauginet, will be joining…
Tiberghien Brussels

Tour & Taxis

Havenlaan|Avenue du Port 86C B.419
BE-1000 Brussels

T +32 2 773 40 00

F +32 2 773 40 55

Tiberghien Antwerp

Grotesteenweg 214 B.4
BE-2600 Antwerp

T +32 3 443 20 00

F +32 3 443 20 20

Tiberghien Ghent

Esplanade Oscar Van de Voorde 1
BE-9000 Gent

T +32 9 216 18 00

Tiberghien Hasselt

Torenplein 7 B13.1
BE-3500 Hasselt

T +32 11 57 00 13

Tiberghien Luxembourg

23, Boulevard Joseph II
LU-1840 Luxembourg

T +352 27 47 51 11

F +352 28 66 96 58