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Monday, 06 April 2020

What does the existing deferral measure from the Belgian government with respect to VAT include? Are there any specific formalities to be completed?

Stijn Vastmans

Stijn Vastmans

Gert Vranckx

Gert Vranckx


:: UPDATE - 16/02/2021 ::

Through a duly motivated request that is submitted to the Regional "Tax Collectors Office" (in Dutch: Regionaal Invorderingscentrum) of the postal code of your place of residence (natural person) or your company’s registered office (legal entity), it is possible to request a deferral of payment, together with an exemption of imposed penalties and late payment interests. To file a request, a standard form is made available to you on the FPS Finance’s website (click here). The competent authority will consider your application and a decision is made within 30 days.

If any further questions should arise, please contact the authors of this article.